Power For A New Beginning (January 2015)

But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name: Which were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God (John 1:12-13, KJV)

In a new year, many people make resolutions to change and make adjustments in certain areas of their lives, but usually and against their wish these resolutions are short lived and not kept. The ability to tap into the power of God and the power of the gospel of Jesus make desired changes real and possible. Below are some factors that can make changes permanent:

The Power of Conversion: The text above states that for everyone who receives Christ as Lord and Savior, God gives them power to become the sons of God (John 1:12). Being born again is a spiritual rebirth that comes from an encounter with the Holy Spirit. It is God implanting His seed into a natural man and causing a transformation in him/her that is supernatural (1 Peter 1:23). It is God turning on the light of His Word (in the dark soul of a man) that brings knowledge and enlightenment of Him.

The Power of Commitment: This is the power of a made up mind. The new Christians at Antioch were encouraged by Barnabas that “with purpose of heart they should continue with the Lord” (Acts 11:23). There is a determination that is fuelled by the Holy Ghost as opposed to determination that is of the human will (Philippians 2:13). This determination by the Holy Ghost will always engender the just man to dust himself up and continue the journey even after a fall (Proverbs 24:16).

The Power of Biblical Meditation: God gave us the formula for all round success and prosperity in Joshua 1:8 as meditating in His Word day and night. Meditation is more than reading. It is mulling over a text/scripture in somebody’s mind until one draws strength and energy from the said scripture. The word of God contains spiritual resources that produce life (John 6:63).

The Power of Discipline: I once told my teenage son I was teaching to drive that he must always be in control of the car, that anytime the car seems to be going too fast for his control he must slow down and gain control again. God wants us to always be in control of our thoughts because we live life from the inside out. Apostle Paul was able to master control over his flesh partly because he had good control of his inward man (soul) (1 Corinthians 9:26-27).

The Power of Surrender: Jesus Christ as man had control over His will. Though God’s plan was that He should die for mankind, Jesus had the freedom to refuse the death on the cross (John 10:17-18). He freely surrendered to the will of Father God. True surrender terminates struggles. Simply saying not my will but your will be done has tremendous power. Realizing God’s love for us creates the willingness in us to surrender to Him.

Any proposed change in the New Year that is not God-centered and God-enabled will not last. Applying the aforementioned points which are sourced in God will guarantee an amazing year. Have a victorious and glory filled 2015 in Jesus name. Happy New Year.

Ade(Gboyega) ESAN

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